Oceans apart

Junior Sofie Gutierrez shares experience as an interracial person.

Lily Waswo, Reporter

With parents from two very different parts of the world, junior Sofie Gutierrez has grown up with a very interesting background.

“My dad is an immigrant from the more rural, poor part of Honduras while my mom is from Germany,” Gutierrez said.

With both countries being so different from each other as well as from the U.S., the nationalities of her parents have played a significant role in her life.

From this, Gutierrez has developed a love for cultures.

“I got to really see everything from many different perspectives. My parents have shaped me through little things like the food I eat and bigger things like how I see the world,” she explained.

The cultural influence in her home life has contributed to how she identifies herself.

“I’ve never exactly felt like I can 100% fit in anywhere. I’m ‘too Hispanic’ for some and ‘too white’ for others. But I am learning that this can actually be beneficial because I’m able to define myself individualistically instead of conforming to any norm that a society or culture may press on me,” Gutierrez said.

Gutierrez has traveled to Honduras to her father’s old home and visit family.

“I went when I was about 5-years-old so I don’t remember much. The only things I really remember were that it was insanely hot and that our town is really small. We could go to any house and it would be either a friend or family member’s. There were also animals everywhere. Cats and dogs were at every house just running around, it was really fun for my 5-year-old self,” she said.

She also plans to go to Europe this summer. A portion of this trip will be spent where her mother grew up in Germany.